Friday, February 9, 2018

Apocalypse Now -- "A spear?!"

In a war considered high tech even by the standards of the early 21st century, Chief, the man who would commandeer the PBR used to transport Captain Willard in his mission down river to kill Colonel Kurtz, was himself killed with something as primitive as a spear, one apparently thrown by a montagnard tribesman.  It seemed that Chief himself could not believe it, his dying words capturing his own amazement and perhaps disbelief in regard to his fate: "A spear?!".

Monday, February 5, 2018

Not Apocalypse Now, but Psychedelic Soldier

John Milius, friend and associate of Francis Coppola and who received writing credit for "Apocalypse Now", originally wrote "Psychedelic Soldier", which was intended to be the working script for he and Coppola's adaptation of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness." Eventually, Milius' script was discarded and Coppola, along with Michael Herring, wrote much of the script. In Milius' script, Colonel Kurtz was envisioned as a kind of drug-crazed, thrill-seeking, gung-ho soldier, who was in Cambodia simply for the thrill of fighting, killing, and calling in napalm strikes because of the adrenal and sensory rush it gave him.