Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This is the end

Apocalypse Now begins with a an almost still-shot of the jungle.  Upon closer view it can be gleaned that the palm trees are blowing or rustling ever-so-gently.  One can hear the slightly distorted sounds of helicopter blades chopping their way through the air.  Soon they become visible, almost floating across the screen in dream-like fashion to the slowly emerging sounds of the Doors, The End.  Suddenly, without warning, the landscape is illuminated with the orange blaze of napalm exploding onto the jungle, devouring the green foliage almost on contact.  The viewer then sees the upside down image of Captain Willard, which begins moving in a clockwise motion until upright.  Are these the images that haunted the mind of Captain Willard when he went home after his first tour in Vietnam?  He later states that when he was in the jungle he couldn't wait to go home, and after he went home he couldn't wait to get back in the jungle. 




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