Friday, July 25, 2014

Walter's childhood by the river

During the warm weather months, the opulence of animal life, floral majesty, and stunning herbal diversity garnishing his river retreat made it a kind of ‘Garden of Eden’ for young Walter.  It was pristine and pure, undaunted by man and touched only by the hand of God.  His father would occasionally grace the little paradise with his presence, always bringing Walter a morsel of food-for-thought.  And that was okay with Walter, because looking deep into his father’s eyes, he believed he could see God. 

Walter would spend the lion’s share of his summer vacations waiting on nature’s cycles of life, death, and rebirth to unfold around him, with his father’s assurance that in the end, everything would work out as accorded by Divine Providence.  Put into these terms, Walter believed his was a world where goodness would always prevail, that all things were, “Providentially ordained”, as his father would say.  And it was the riverbank that encapsulated this for him, coming to symbolize much of what he loved and held dear.  It was also a place where he felt close to his long-deceased grandfather, spending many hours there pondering the man he heard so much about, but never met.


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